Hospitality | Curzon Ashton
Tuesday, 2 April 2024
There was a full house again in hospitality on Good Friday, when we entertained Curzon Ashton. A big thank you from everyone at Blyth Spartans to all our match day sponsors for supporting The Club in this way, with a special mention to The 1899 Club members for their continuing support. Anyone wishing to join The 1899 Club please do so via the website. CLICK HERE
Unfortunately hospitality is now full for our final two home matches against Rushall and Brackley, We look forward for to seeing new and existing sponsors booking hospitality next season in our 125th celebration year as soon as the 2024/25 fixtures are announced.
Ball sponsor Craig Richardson of sponsors M&C Roofing, is presented with a signed ball and his certificate by Tony Platten.

Ardent supporter and ball sponsor, John Spence is presented with a signed ball and his certificate.

Ray Greenacre, booked in his party of 17 for their annual day in hospitality, is presented with his certificate by Tony Platten.

Regular sponsor Mark Cruddace, enjoyed the day with his family and friends, is presented with his certifcate.

Long time Spartans supporter and 1899 Club member, Mark Walker is presented with his certificate by Tony Platten.

ony Platten presents first time sponsors, Neil Woodcock and his partner Carol Whinnom with their certificate.