A trip to the Spartans? Don’t bet on it!

DonA professional Danish gambler has drawn the line at the possibility of having to visit Blyth and take in a Spartans game!

Copenhagen-based Theo Jorgensen (pictured right) has won millions of pounds over the years but has ducked out of a bet which could have brought him to Blyth.

He explained that one day there was no English football to bet on but Blyth were playing. He googled the town and had the idea of having a betting competition in which whoever lost would have to travel to Blyth, stay in a bed and breakfast for a week and take in a match or two at Croft Park.

“I don’t want to go to Blyth, but I would love to see my friend go,” he said.

Theo normally has nerves of steel but clearly the prospect of staying in Blyth and watching the Spartans got him wavering.

However he now says he may reconsider the bet.

The Spartans are offering the hand of friendship across the North Sea and are inviting Theo to come to Blyth.

“We are not dissimilar to Copenhagen here in Blyth – we share offshore windmills, thriving ports and a love of beer. I know they have a famous mermaid but we can match that too with our friends at Viz comic’s male version, Billy the Fish!” said Spartans Chairman Tony Platten. “I’ll wager Theo would enjoy good honest Blyth hospitality at the football club. I would urge him to go ahead with the bet, and just this once….lose!”

(Photo is taken from PokerNewsDaily)

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