1899 Club June Draw

There was no winner of the “One in a Thousand Draw” as the number drawn was 291, which is not allocated to any member and the prize will roll over to next month resulting in a £200 prize. The Fans Experience draw prize of a new Blyth Spartans home shirt is Alan McLean. Alan will be contacted by email. If you are not receiving the monthly email update, please email scott.gibson@blythspartans.com so your…

10th July 2024

1899 Club: April Draw

16th May 2024

There is no winner of the “One in a Thousand  Draw” as the number drawn was 641 and this number is not allocated to any member. The £100 prize rolls over to next month with a prize of £200 for May’s draw. The Fans Experience draw prize of a signed home shirt was won by Kelly Scott. Kelly please email me scott.gibson@blythspartans.com or contact the general office to collect your…


1899 Club | Presentation

28th April 2024

Prior to the Brackley Town game, a presentation was made to the 1899 Club members who have generously supported the club with a monthly payment of £25. A big thank you to David Jones, Kyle Hall, John Gibson, Adam Uddgren, Kevin Miles, Stephen Virtue, Mark Graham, Alan Luke RIP, Mark Walker, Anthony Seghini, Jonathon Lillico, Darren Connor, Malcolm Muter, Barry Easton, Ellen Gourley, David Gourley and Mark Cruddace. Thank you…


1899 Club | March Draw

12th April 2024

The March draw for 1899 club was conducted by our very own Peter Henderson (groundsman). The winner of the 1 in a 1000 draw for £400 is Alan Luke. The winner of the fans experience draw of an interview for the clubs website (carried forward from last month) is John Crowther The winner of the season ticket draw is Anthony Francis. John and Anthony will be emailed regarding their prizes….


1899 Club | Match Balls

4th April 2024

Over the last six weeks, we have presented signed match balls to the members of the 1899 club, who have generously supported the club with a £20 monthly contribution. The final ball was presented to John Hague at the Southport away game. Many thanks to Cole Williams, Daniel Haldane, Leighton Short, Paul Rae, Anthony Hedley, David Turnbull, Steve Ord, Peter Ridley, Garry and Luke Benns, Jack Morton, John Hague, Alexander…


1899 Club | February

There is no winner of the “One in a Thousand  Draw” as the number drawn was 544 and this number is not allocated to any member. The £100 prize rolls over to next month with a prize of £400 for March’s draw. The Fans Experience draw prize of an interview for the club website goes to Ian Hertwick. Ian will be contacted soon for the interview. Apologies for the delay…

28th March 2024

1899 Club | January

16th February 2024

There is no winner of the “One in a Thousand  Draw” as the number drawn was 251 and this number is not allocated to any member. The £100 prize rolls over to next month with a prize of £300 for January’s draw. The Fans Experience draw prize of a £50 supporters shop voucher goes to Richard Farquharson. This can be collected from the club shop. Please see the following link…


1899 Club | The James Howells Interview

22nd January 2024

We asked the December 1899 Club Fans draw winner James Howells for his story supporting Blyth Spartans. Where were you born? Near Shrewsbury, Shropshire When did you first show an interest in Blyth Spartans? When we moved up from Buckinghamshire in 1997. Why did you choose the Spartans to support? Two reasons . Impossibility to get Newcastle Utd tickets and I had an earlier taste of non-league football when I…


1899 Club | Winners Pictures

17th January 2024

Congratulations to Anthony Francis (left) who won the signed football in the November draw. John Johnson (right) is pictured receiving his signed shirt for his one off payment for the season. To join the 1899 Club, please refer to the link below.