Within the last three years all sections of the club have achieved FA Charter Standard, and through this have continued to demonstrate that within their remit, each section operates to the high standard required.
The overall aim of the club is
· To follow the FA guidance in delivering football opportunities
· To offer opportunities to play football at all levels
· To help instil self-confidence, team work, motivation and social interaction through the medium of football
· to provide a high quality of safe opportunities for participation in football activities for people of all ages in the community.
· To offer opportunities through football regardless of ability, age, sex, religion, ethnic background or sexual orientation
· Through football, provide health education and learning opportunities
Under the banner of Blyth Spartans we have the following teams:
Blyth Spartans AFC (adult team)
Blyth Spartans Junior Boys (10 junior teams)
Blyth Spartans Junior Girls (3 junior teams)
Progression is available for players from both male and female junior teams into their respective higher-grade teams, e.g., Junior Boys to “A” Team and Junior Girls to Ladies.
With the recent establishment of a boys “A” team, it is the intention to provide progression to the Blyth Spartans senior team.
Through Blyth Valley Arts and Leisure, Blyth Spartans AFC have a link to a group of disabled sports persons who play football in competitions organised by both Northumberland and Durham County FA’s.
It hoped to develop all participants’ abilities, with the aim to allow progression to mainstream football.
It is also the intention to form a partnership with the Special schools within the Blyth Valley area in conjunction with the Local Education Authority.
To achieve FA Charter Standard we have demonstrated that we follow the guidelines set out by the Football Association with regards to:
· Coaching Standards.
· Codes of Conduct (both players and coaches)
· Child Protection
· First Aid Qualifications
· Discipline
· Equity and Anti Discrimination
To maintain the standard required, the club is regularly audited by the FA.