Attendees: Bob Bell, Dave Wall, Anthony Seghini, Steve Topham, Gillian Wall, Brian Bell, Deborah Wall
Apologies: Chris Doyle, Adam Sancaster, Dan Rolls, Michael Soulsby
Finances: AS gave details of the SC bank balance and said that all current bills are paid.
Shop: The shop in the ground is ticking over but there has been a big improvement with the online shop in the previous month.
GW told the committee the cost of the online shop will rise from December this year.
Invoices from online shop to given to AS to help with book keeping.
Programme: Adam continues to do a good job
Costs are reduced this season due to prices from new supplier.
We continue to have problems in getting payment for some programme adverts.
AOB: Club Shop roof needs attention. EB have already been advised and will be reminded.
We are still taking messages and orders for the book and hope to have this available in November.