12 Sept 2009 @ 12.30
Andrew Westgarth, Jeff Young, Anthony Seghini, Deborah Wall, Martin Hunter, Dave Charlton, Bobby Bell, Derek Birdsey, Scott Dewhurst, Dave Wall, Brian Bell, Gillian Wall and Brian Davison
Usual array of bills, orders and requests
Online shop to be launched this week
Outlet is now open in Blyth Town Centre – Phil Castiaux (& MH) to organise publicity.
Various items of stock were discussed and it was agreed that these would be ordered.
Revised adverts still to be produced (MH)
Number to be ordered to reviewed in light of recent good sales
Treasurer’s Report:
Very healthy even after all outstanding bills have been paid
Any Other Business:
‘The Boyz’ and ‘The Refreshers’ to be advertised via the SC website
Players’ polo shirts still awaited
Replacement shop sign to be organised
Date of next meeting:
3 October 2009 @ 12.30 (v Alfreton Town)