Executive Committee Minutes (4 November 2013)

Minutes of Blyth Spartans Executive Committee Meeting held on Monday November 4, 2013

Present: Mr. K. Scott, Mr. I. Evans, Mr. A. Bowron, Mr. S. Frake, Mr. S. Ord, Ms J Freeman, Mr. T. Wade & Mr. I. Charlesworth.
Apologies: Mr. A. Platten, Mr. C. Baxter & Mr. J. Young.

1. Matters Arising
– There were no matters arising from the last meeting (14.10.13.) Mr. K Scott opened the meeting by welcoming Iain Charlesworth to the meeting.

2. Correspondence
– S. Frake reported that there had been no response on the lease from NCC since the last meeting.
– IKE would contact NCC tomorrow with a view of arranging repair work to the SC roof.
– IKE confirmed that we have retained our Charter standard Club status after our annual “health check”. Thanks were passed to A Bowron for his input.
– A letter had been received from Drager informing the club that due to a change in company policy they were no longer able to sponsor sporting organizations. IKE has written to Draeger thanking them for their past support.
– The e-mail/report from Colin Blackett relating to Saturday’s cup tie with Ramsbottom United was discussed at length and action was agreed to be taken where necessary.

3. Football
– Tom Wade reported that over the last week or two a number of enquiries had been made for several of our players. He had spoken with each individual and it was confirmed that at this moment none of the players had a desire to leave Croft Park. IKE confirmed that no 7-day letters had been received and that he would make everyone aware should the situation change.
– Tom would be arranging an interview with Mark in relation to the good support from the crowd over recent matches.
– It was confirmed that mid-week training was to be held at Walker. IKE would enquire to the use of the Spartans Centre at Crofton for fitness work.
– IKE confirmed to TW the P46’s still required from players. These will be completed tomorrow night (Droylsden)
– TW reported that kit was still going “missing” and we again find ourselves without the required amount of warm up tops. TW would ask JY to confirm current availability.

4. Social Club
– The distribution of some 15,000 leaflets would take place soon. The leaflet continues to advertise the clubhouse as a venue for parties, celebrations etc.
– Looks like the final number of tickets sold for the evening with Les Dennis is around 90.
– K. Scott has distributed a list of all live matches being shown on BT which correspond with our remaining home fixtures.
– K. Scott will speak with Tracy to enquire of her availability for future meetings.

5. Supporters Club
– TW will look at the shop tomorrow to look at requirements for replacing windows and carpets.
– IC reported that it was hoped to re-open the refurbished shop for the Marine game on the 7th of December.
– From the committee meetings held it was agreed to arrange a monthly stock check.
– Chris Ferguson was working on setting up the on line shop.
– IC was happy to report that A Seghini was to remain as treasurer but it was to be recorded that resignations had been received for the remaining members of the previous committee.

6. Any other Business
– IKE reported that the leaflets, application forms and flyers from SB Sports in relation to the scholarship should be here this week. The recruitment evenings will be planned one for November and one for December. Once the leaflets are here IKE will also discuss with P Castiaux the appropriate press release.
– K Scott will be looking at repairing the PA system once ARP has returned from his holiday.
– After discussion it was agreed that future meetings would start at 6.30pm.

7. Next Meeting

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