Injury update | Nathan Buddle
Monday, 3 October 2022

Spartans physio Gary Neasham has provided the following update following Nathan Buddle's head injury on Saturday.
"Nathan Buddle suffered a head injury during the game with Chorley in the FA Cup on Saturday October 1st. He was removed from the field immediately after displaying concussion symptoms and checked by the Chorley Club Doctor who confirmed the decision.
Nathan's condition was then monitored on the journey home and due to some deterioration he was taken directly to the RVI Hospital on his arrival back in Newcastle.
He was seen as a priority by a Consultant who advised a head scan which fortunately did not show any significant damage. Nathan is feeling better and now recovering at home and will hopefully be back to normal over the next few days whilst still being monitored.
The FA Concussion guidelines have been invoked which will involve a 19 day period out with no activity at all in the first 14 days.
Speedy and safe recovery Budds"